MYBIA MANIFOLD PRIVATE LIMITED respects the privacy of every company, organization, or individual. The personal information that you enter in our inquiry form or send us by email while making an inquiry is used only for our internal information purposes.
We maintain high standards of fairness and integrity and assure all our online visitors and customers that their specific or general information will not be shared or used in any other way, which could be detrimental to the privacy of their confidential data. We are committed to protecting our customer’s and online visitor’s privacy.
If you have submitted personal information through our website that you would like to be updates or deleted from our records, then kindly let us know by re-visiting our “Contact Us” page. Our privacy policy is transparent and poses no threat to your valuable information.
We send newsletters to update our webpage visitors as well as existing and potential customers about developments taking place in our product range. In case you wish to unsubscribe from the newsletter, you can email us. You would then be removed from the mailing list with immediate effect and have to re-subscribe to receive the newsletters in the future.
Your visit to our website indicates your acceptance of the privacy policy.